domingo, 17 de marzo de 2024

My life with a swiftie girl

One of my favorite aspects of sharing my life with my teenage children is their growing enthusiasm and taste for music. Without restrictions, without prejudices. Naturally and very contagious. It is a continuous learning. And thanks to them I have discovered some artists that I would never have heard on my own. And deep down I am still an adventurer, open to many different styles. But I admit that I had never been curious about Taylor Swift's work. Just like back in the day I didn't listen to Madonna and as time went by I realized that that girl made some very good songs.

It's lucky that I share my life with a swiftie girl, thanks to her I have discovered a good handful of very good songs and even entire albums. Pop rock songs, danceable songs, fun songs and even darker and deeper ones. I guess everything around Taylor can put anyone off. And maybe a few years ago I wouldn't even have considered listening to it. But my life is getting better. Thanks to Maiaki.

I'm not trying to convince anyone and I don't care what the ultra rock sector thinks.I don't need to connect at all costs with everything popular. At this point in life I don't play in that league. I enjoy good, great songs that deserve to be heard and danced to. I'm not very skilled at the latter but I try every day. Never trust someone who doesn't. Dance To The Music!!!  Take that lollipop and then another one. Multicolor if possible. Congratulations to Maiaki on her fourteenth birthday. Talent in abundance.

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